Fellowship opportunities
We are open to endorsing well motivated applications for external (mostly postdoc) fellowships and scholarships that facilitate carrying out research at our Lab and at NUS. Depending on your nationality and university, there may be opportunities to partly or fully fund your PhD or postdoc journey. Please see below for selected examples. We are eligible to host awardees of such fellowships.
General (open to many or all nationalities)
Lee Kuan Yew Postdoctoral Fellowship is a prestigious postdoctoral funding option for up to 3 years to promote the development of young and outstanding academics in science, medicine and engineering. The scheme is open to nationals of all countries.
The Singapore International Graduate Award – SINGA by A*STAR may be used to fund a PhD study at our Lab. You may also want to check the A*STAR Graduate Scholarship.
The Branco Weiss Fellowship awards young researchers around the world with a generous personal research grant, giving them the freedom to work on whatever topic they choose anywhere in the world, for up to five years.
Citizens of Commonwealth countries (there are 53 countries in the Commonwealth of Nations; incl. India, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Malaysia, several in Africa and the Caribbean, and a few European ones – Cyprus, Malta, and UK) can consider applying for the NUS Commonwealth Scholarship. The scholarship includes a monthly stipend and tuition fees.
The Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future program provides fellowship awards for women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) from developing and emerging countries to pursue a PhD or a postdoc abroad.
AXA Fellowships are for researchers who completed a PhD degree up to 5 years before the application.
The SG Academies ASEAN Fellowship Programme aims to attract bright postgraduate researchers from ASEAN countries to Singapore research institutions for a 2-year long fellowship.
The Rubicon program of the Dutch Research Council (NWO) offers a fellowship for postdoc abroad for recent PhD graduates from a university in the Netherlands. You may also be interested in the Niels Stensen Fellowship.
The Swiss National Science Foundation has a similar fellowship.
For its citizens, Indonesia offers scholarships from the LPDP (Layanan Beasiswa dan Pendanan Riset Indonesia), for funding a PhD study abroad. Some universities in Indonesia sometimes may have own funds for research visits.
Spanish citizens may benefit from the La Fundación Ramón Areces, which offers scholarships to carry out research work in universities or research centres abroad.
Filipino citizens younger than 45 years and currently faculty members of a university that is part of Engineering Research and Development for Technology consortium may be eligible for the ERDT PhD Foreign Scholarship. The scholarship is given to faculty members of ERDT Consortium who wish to pursue PhD studies in any engineering field in a recognised university or institution abroad.
Canadians have the option to apply for a scholarship to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), which funds overseas doctoral programmes. Depending on the subject matter, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) may be another option to consider.
PRC nationals may want to consider the China Scholarship Council (CSC; 国家留学基金管理委员会) grants, available for both studying abroad and for research visits.
Permanent residents of Hong Kong SAR may want to check the Croucher Fellowships for Postdoctoral Research.
The ASEAN-India Science, Technology & Innovation Cooperation may be of interest to scholars from India.
For a comprehensive list of further opportunities please see the ECRcentral’s Funding schemes and fellowships for early career researchers. We gratefully acknowledge the authors behind the list, from which we compiled the selection above.