Urban Analytics Lab on tour in the United States
The PI of the Lab gave talks at MIT, Harvard, Stanford, and 6 other universities.

The PI of the NUS Urban Analytics Lab, Prof Filip Biljecki, has been on a work trip in the US 🇺🇸 where he has visited 9 universities and delivered lectures, talks, and other collaborative exchanges.
The full list of visited universities and groups is as follows, with some photos below.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Senseable City Lab
- Harvard University, Center for Geographic Analysis (link to the talk)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sustainable Design Lab
- University of Pennsylvania, Stuart Weitzman School of Design, Thermal Architecture Lab
- Princeton University, School of Architecture, CHAOS Lab
- Carnegie Mellon University, School of Architecture
- University of Colorado Boulder / National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- University of California, Berkeley, Center for the Built Environment
- Stanford University, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Urban Informatics Lab
We look forward to collaborating with these great research groups, and thank them for their hospitality.
Credits to Yuhao Kang and Junghwan Kim for some of the photos. 🙏