Visits by academics from Germany, China, and Poland
Recent guest lectures and collaborative exchanges with four visiting scholars.

We are having a busy April – we are happy to have hosted a few academic friends from overseas for short-term visits.
First, it was a pleasure to host Nikola Milojevic-Dupont (Mercator Research Institute for Global Commons and Climate Change and Technical University Berlin). He gave a lecture on Artificial intelligence for accelerating low-carbon urban planning. In particular, the highlight was EUBUCCO, the European building stock characteristics in a common and open database for 200+ million individual buildings (read the paper), in which we were involved.
Second, we welcomed Wei Huang, Professor of GIScience at Tongji University. He gave a great lecture on Urban Analytics and Social Sensing, and presented several multidisciplinary research projects conducted at his group in Shanghai. This visit was facilitated by Yingwei Yan, Lecturer and the Director of the MSc in Applied GIS programme and our collaborator from the NUS Department of Geography. Both of them are leading the ISPRS WG IV/6 Human Behaviour and Spatial Interactions, with which we are organising the workshop GeoHB 2023: Geo-Spatial Computing for Understanding Human Behaviours.
Finally, we hosted professors Witold Rohm and Pawel Boguslawski from the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics at the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Witold is the Head of the Institute, and his expertise is in GNSS meteorology, remote sensing, and satellite geodesy. Pawel is an expert in geoinformatics, and he is co-chairing the ISPRS WG IV/1 Spatial Data Representation and Interoperability, in which the PI of our Lab is involved as well (read more here in a recent blog post).
Our visitors gave guest lectures, held a series of 1:1 meetings, and participated in discussions. Thanks for visiting us, and looking forward to future collaborations!