Happy 20th birthday OpenStreetMap!
The amazing open map of the world built by volunteers started two decades ago.
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is turning 20!
For those who are not familiar, Wikipedia defines it well:
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a free, open geographic database updated and maintained by a community of volunteers via open collaboration.
Our group and discipline have greatly benefited from this amazing project and its contributors. Over the past two decades, OpenStreetMap has been a game changer, enabling communities worldwide, supporting research and products, and spurring a vibrant research ecosystem.
Thanks to OSM, we have access to a variety of geospatial information from around the world previously not freely available, and we are especially proud that Singapore is so well mapped in the platform. 🇸🇬🗺️
While OSM data is regularly part of our projects, we have also been conducting research on its data, e.g. data quality:
Biljecki F, Chow YS, Lee K (2023): Quality of crowdsourced geospatial building information: A global assessment of OpenStreetMap attributes. Building and Environment 237: 110295. 10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110295 PDF
We look forward to seeing where the next 20 years will take the project!