Visualising detailed CityGML and ADE at the building scale


There is an increasing activity in developing workflows and implementations to convert BIM data into CityGML. However, there are still not many platforms that are suitable to view and interact with the detailed information stored as a result of such conversions, especially if an Application Domain Extension (ADE) is involved to support additional information. We investigated the ease of use and features supported by visualisation software and tools with CityGML and ADE support, and propose an approach to develop a tool that combines useful features using a set of generic rules that can extract CityGML ADE attributes. The work, while generic, is geared towards detailed architectural datasets sourced from BIM. We implemented the approach in a web-based viewer supporting the visualisation of CityGML datasets enriched with ADE features.

Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci.
Filip Biljecki
Filip Biljecki
Assistant Professor